Yoga Biz Champ with Michael Jay

The Yogalebrity Effect: Building a Bold, Authentic Online Presence

Michael Jay Season 4 Episode 1

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In this inspiring episode of Yoga Biz Champ, Michael Jay welcomes Angelica Govaert, a trailblazer in the yoga community, known widely as Yogalebrity.

Angelica shares her journey from being unrecognized by her real name to embracing her identity as Yogalebrity across various social media platforms. We dive into the power of personal branding, the courage to stand out in the digital world, and the importance of authenticity in building a successful yoga business.

Michael and Angelica discuss overcoming challenges, leveraging social media for growth, and the significance of consistency and resilience in achieving personal and professional milestones.

Key Takeaways:

Embrace Your Brand:
Your personal and business brand's power lies in its unique identity. Angelica's journey from anonymity to Yogalebrity highlights the importance of embracing and owning your brand.

Overcome Challenges:
Angelica shares her experiences of overcoming negativity and body image issues, emphasizing resilience and self-acceptance.

Social Media Strategies:
Learn how to leverage platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok for business growth, focusing on consistency over perfection.

The Power of Coaching:
Both Michael and Angelica stress the value of seeking guidance through coaching to navigate the complexities of business and personal growth.

About Angelica:
Angelica Govaert, most recognized as @Yogalebrity, has been teaching yoga for 20 years and practicing for 40. She is most known for her Online Yoga Teacher Training.

Featured Resources:
Angelica's Website:
- Yogalebrity on Instagram:
- YogalebrityYouTube:
- YogalebrityTikTok:
- ClickFunnels: [Create Sales Funnels]
- CapCut: [Video Editing App]
- Endel

Michael Jay - Yoga Biz Champ 

Michael Jay, the Yoga Biz Champ, stands as the go-to Yoga Business Consultant, embarked on a mission to elevate yoga studios from mere survival to genuine thriving.

With a rich background as a yoga teacher, former studio owner, marketing expert, and yoga studio business coach, he possesses the insider knowledge necessary to elevate your yoga venture to new heights.

His passion for yoga, combined with a sharp business acumen and a sincere desire to see studio owners excel, encapsulates his professional ethos. Michael is not one to offer one-size-fits-all advice; instead, he's dedicated to providing tailored guidance, tangible outcomes, and supporting your studio to emerge as the next Yoga Biz Champ in your community. 

  • Certified Yoga Biz Consultant • 
  • FitTech Partner •
  • Yoga Studio Launch & Growth Specialist


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Michael Jay: Welcome to I haven't told my, my guests this yet, but this is the first episode of the fourth season of what formerly used to be called Yoga Biz Camp and in its fourth season is going under one brand and that is Yoga Biz Champ.

I'm really excited to welcome Angelica Govaert. to Yoga Biz Champ Podcast, fourth season, first episode. Welcome, Angelica. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: Thank you. The one thing I run into is that people don't know my name. I'm Yogalebrity on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. That's everybody calls, that's what they know me as. If I had to go back in time, I probably wouldn't have, that was, 15, 20 years ago when people were like doing funny things as their handle, but, so now I'm Yoga Yogalebrity.

So I get on and I'd be like, I'm actually Angelica. 

Michael Jay: I also want, I want some of the people listening to this to [00:01:00] notice that she actually got a plug in for her handle within the first two seconds of being on this podcast.

Yogalebrity Angelica: I'm called out right now, but it is what it is, I was born selling. 

Michael Jay: I have to say, I used to be my previous brand. So I'm going through my business 3. 0 right now. And I started I, in Canada, and it was Michael J in Canada, so it was michaelj. ca was my first website. And then I went through 2.

0 and, but the, when, as soon as I changed my handle to Yoga Biz Champ, which it was actually with one of my first branding people I worked with there was something that changed, a power that came around. standing behind that name. Is that the same for you? Because you use it a lot and you're, that's you everywhere, right?

And you shamelessly say, that 

Yogalebrity Angelica: is who I am. Yeah it started as a joke, right? Because no one's a yoga celebrity, right? Like a [00:02:00] yogalebrity. Yeah, it was actually like making fun of people, the yoga leopardy, right? And it was really tongue in cheek, but now it's just become my thing.

And so everybody is Oh, that's yoga. Liberty. I have people come to the yoga studio and take my class. And they're like, Oh, it's, I saw you on social media. And I'm like, my name is Angelica. But people don't know, but it's, I think it's good. Cause It works across a lot of different things, like it works that I have a podcast that I got to 100 episodes and was like, I'm done.

So I really don't put anything on there anymore. But I do post daily on Instagram most, almost every day on TikTok and a few times a week on YouTube. And it fits into those things. Like the idea of we become a yoga celebrity in our own mind, a yoga celebrity.

And in our own studio, in our own spaces. And it really embraces the concept of leadership that so many people are afraid to embrace, which makes your studio so [00:03:00] incredible. If you're the community leader, if you're your Yogalebrity in your studio and you're like, yes, I am embracing this, I am saying, yes, I stand up as the leader in my community.

And I'm Sagittarius. I think that's funny too. Yes. Okay, good. So I think a lot of things are funny that other people are very more serious about. So I think if you're a very serious person, you might be off put by me. But one thing I've learned about online is that not everybody's gonna like you.

Michael Jay: Yes. That's okay. I want to stop because I want to go back a little bit as to why I interviewed you. I don't know anything about you. You don't know anything about me. We've met in real life though. We've met in real life. And what was, so we were at the the Yoga Expo in Pasadena. And I had this 30 minute gap where I wanted to slip and listen to, some business discussion.

So I slipped into, you were on a panel. I don't know anything about [00:04:00] you. And the panel discussion just starts and everybody's going through, the usual business. Journey kind of stuff. And then one person says, one of the panelists said I've let go of Instagram, I've let go of social media, I've passed it on to somebody else, blah blah blah blah, and told her story.

Two seconds later, you jump in and you go, I fucking love Instagram!

And I have to say, you took over the conversation for 20 minutes. You had that microphone in your hand and it was like, you took the show and you were like, this is why I like it. And this is why it's real. It's raw. And that moment, I'm a Brit and real and raw resonates with me.

So when I left, I'm like, I got to get back to that dude. I need her on my book podcast. I think she would be a blast. So that's why you're here because I feel. Just I'll pre chat. I, a lot of the people I work with, I feel have to [00:05:00] overcome themselves a lot. Yeah. And a lot of the theme, particularly female studio owners or new studio owners, I find just.

them being grounded in their own two feet and being able to be firm yet fair on their expectations and be, say it's okay that I expect you to up level your teaching and this is how I'm going to help you or it's okay that I need to make a decision on cutting this class because it doesn't better the business.

And then the one that, you also bring in is it's okay. going onto social media and saying, I'm real, I'm raw, I'm flawed, and I'm going to put myself out there no matter what. And I think that takes practice for some people. So I don't know, take it wherever you want to go from that.

But I feel like you embody a lot of, [00:06:00] confidence out there. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: Yeah. Yeah. I think so. I will say that everything that I do in my whole life, anything I've ever done, I always end up being the leader. And I was fired from 30 jobs. Before I finally landed on one that I had for about 10 years, got laid off and then opened the yoga studio, but I found that if I'm not growing, I'm not happy if I'm not leading people to happiness and success, I'm not happy.

And I had to get okay with who I was. See, a lot of people will tell you that it's wrong to let, the that type A driven personality, that's wrong, that you have to have work life balance. Like, why? Who made that up? Why? My I don't need that. Like being okay. I'm turning 50 this year and being okay with being like, no.

There's no such thing as work like balance. My life is my work. My work is my life. I do something that I [00:07:00] absolutely love. I love, I help so many women. I have literally helped millions of women because 50, 000 people walked through the doors of my yoga studio and I have helped thousands of people graduate from teacher training who then went on.

Four nonprofits opened on my studio and they went on to do trauma recovery yoga to do, yoga at the community center here in Las Vegas to do yoga with at risk youth people who are doing yoga with cancer patients. Like there is so much good that came from my studio and my dedication to that, that I have truly left.

a legacy on this planet. And so I don't feel bad. I don't feel like there is such a thing as work life balance or that there, if that's something you want, that's great. I don't want that. And I, and when I, now that I'm looking at the fifties, I'm like you know what, actually I'm okay. I'm okay with just being me.

And I think. That's the first thing that you have to do is be okay with being you and I'm going to tell everybody this right now because this is the number one thing I [00:08:00] get. I'm too overweight. I'm too fat. I weigh 220 pounds and I put myself. up on camera every single day. And the response that I get is far and wide.

Oh my God. Thank you so much. I see myself in you. Thank you for putting yourself out there. Now there are haters. I have had them. People have called me fat. Okay. I'm fat. All right, cool. I own it. I don't really, it is what it is. I've been trying to lose weight for 10 years, diet, culture, whatever you want to talk like.

I just haven't really been successful at it. Probably I haven't really put my mind to it. Like I have other things because anything I put my mind to, I really achieve, I just think it's not really a priority for me. It might be for other people. I don't really care. That's not why I'm on social media.

I want to attract people who want the kind of help that I want to give. And so I don't care what my weight is. So call me whatever. And I will tell you that everyone gets made fun of [00:09:00] everyone. So I have a friend who's younger than me. She's fit. She's blonde. She's beautiful. She's amazing. She is awesome.

And they call her SpongeBob SquarePants body. Even though she's like everybody's getting it. You can't escape the haters on social media and I, back in the day, I loved YouTube. I used to watch Keno McGregor every morning. I would get up and I would watch Keno on YouTube because I used to live in Miami and I would study at Miami Life Center and I just, I love her.

She's such a good teacher and I watch her and I want to give it and I wanted to be on YouTube so bad and this was like back in my 30s and then I was like, I was doing a shanga every day. I was like, built like a brick shithouse, like whatever. I was like, really in shape and I wanted to be on YouTube.

But I didn't really understand how to do it. I didn't understand how to edit videos and stuff, which now I find is super easy, but I didn't know that at the time. [00:10:00] And so I thought I'll start on this thing. Periscope, right? Do you remember Periscope? It was like this, the first live incarnation, right?

So I put this out, I set the timer. I set it to go. I'm teaching in Costa Rica. It's my first time teaching, in Costa Rica, outside of the country. I'm so excited. I set it up. I'm doing my teacher training there. I go, I teach my class. I've told all my students, all my teachers that work for me at the studio.

I told my parents, I told, my, I told my frenemies. No, like the people of Facebook, I let everyone know, I'm going to be on this periscope. You got to watch. And so a lot of people show up and I see like my teacher's names, like at the end, I go back to look and see like what it says. And this feeling of dread comes over me as I look through the comments.

And at this time, I really wasn't that overweight. And I look through the comments and it's all these people look at that teacher is so fat. Thousands of people from all over the world. Look at how ugly she is. Should though, she shouldn't even be teaching yoga. The students are [00:11:00] thinner than her. She's not even fit.

They were just absolutely, I went into the darkest depression. I think I probably gained like 50 pounds over that incident alone. And I was like, I'm never going to be on social media. ever. I'm never going to do this again. I'm never putting myself out in front of these people ever. And about three years ago, when we were living on the sailboat, I really needed to make money.

Boats are just a hole in the water that you throw money into. Boat literally means bust out another thousand. And so it was the most expensive dream that I've ever lived. I'm always like, live your dream. That's like my, my, my tagline, live your dream. Living on a boat. Isn't it's not cheap friends. And it doesn't matter which boat you buy, new one, old one, it doesn't matter.

They're really expensive. So I was like, I need to make more money. So I'm like, all right. I have all these friends that are making money online. I went to 10X Growth Con. I saw Russell Brunson speak. I was there when he did the million dollar speech. [00:12:00] I don't know if you remember that one where he like gets in front of everybody and he's sells ClickFunnels for over a million dollars of ClickFunnels that day.

I was there. I watched that speech. Speech. It was moving. It was incredible. That was 2018. It's what inspired me to close my, or to sell my studio and go out on the road. And my intention always was to create an online thing, but I never got around to it until I bought the boat and really needed the money.

And so I'm like, you need to just get over this and go online. And I will tell you that now three years later multi six figure business now online. And I cheated myself out of 10 years. I could have been Yoga with Adrian. You know what I'm saying? Because it was that long ago and I loved YouTube that much at the time.

It's not my main platform now. I'm trying to make it my main platform. It's just a lot more editing than Instagram. But the editing is 

Michael Jay: all day long. Yeah, I just, my coach just told me to outsource this shit. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: I haven't like a [00:13:00] certain way. I like it. I'm hands on in that, but I should teach somebody.

But anyhow I now I'm like, man, I cheated myself out of something that I would have really gotten joy from that. So many people would have liked. And, Keno talking about Kena McGregor. She has over a million followers on Instagram and on YouTube, she has all stars and all that. And she's a phenomenal human.

And she has been made fun of. And she's had people sue her. She's had terrible things happen to her while being online, but she still has one of the biggest online businesses in the world and reaches an incredible amount of people. And my God, I'm so grateful to her for doing that because I still watch Kino every day.

Like I love her. I'm a total fan girl. She's the real deal. She's the real deal. I met her in real life. She's amazing, and so though having somebody like her in front, made me feel like, okay, you know what, it doesn't matter. It's possible. And really ultimately, at the end of the day,[00:14:00] I had a conversation with one of my students the other day, when you look at these videos that you create, when you look at the video, if you look at them, and you're like, Oh, I'm too fat, or my hair doesn't look perfect, or I didn't do my makeup.

And You are missing the point. You can't do that. It's not about you. You're making these videos for someone else. You're making these videos in service to other people who can't get that information to the young girl like me that was watching Kino every morning. That's who you're making the video for the older woman that owns the studio.

feels left behind. That's who you're making the video for. If you waste any time looking at that video and worrying about how you look on screen, you have lost energy and time that could have been made creating more content to bring more people into your funnels and into your community. And so that's a shame when people do that.

Michael Jay: So what was that moment though, where you got over that periscope thing and you're like, I'm just gonna do this no matter what because I think right now where [00:15:00] slick used to be, slick produced content used to be the thing, right? Now I'm like to my studio owners, please just show the vibe behind the scenes, throw, keep throwing shit up on, on stories behind the scenes.

It's not all the sell sell. And, I hate, honestly, I. Sorry, yoga teachers, but I know you have to promote your classes, that Monday Yin and Tuesday, I believe. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: My favorite is hot Yin at 5. 30. Yin can't be hot. It's not a thing. It's not a thing. It's the opposite. That is Yang. So 

Michael Jay: what I'm trying to say is that authenticity, that rawness, that authenticity, that unproduced, I used to.

When I used to look at myself, I used to be, oh my God his anxiety is chewing his, he's chewing his inside of his cheek and he's doing this. Oh. And now I don't even look at that stuff now. I'm like, if I do [00:16:00] that to myself, I will not put anything out, like if I did that to myself. But there was a time that you go through that For sure. So what was that moment, your periscope, you've been beat down here so what was that moment where you go, screw it? I'm going to be 

Yogalebrity Angelica: me. It's really interesting. It was like, you asked me that. And I think back it's honestly it's the same moment that I decided to open the studio, like I had nothing left to lose.

I had nothing to lose, like what's the worst that's going to happen? You know what I mean? That's like when I opened my studio in 2008, I lost my job with L'Occitane. I had worked there for 10 years. I was laid off. I lost everything. I lost my house. I was living in a car in my Ford Escape and I decided to move back to Las Vegas and a friend of mine was moving there and we could afford to live together.

We did. And. I was like, you know what? I have 12, 000 left in my IRA. This is it. This is all I have. And I had been [00:17:00] living on that. And I was like, I can probably pay my bills for a couple months. I found a space that was going to just going to charge me 400 a month. It was a garage. And I had been playing poker to pay my bills.

Because I'd been teaching yoga to professional poker players and they taught me poker tips. And so I was like, okay how do you do this? Tell me about it. And I never played high stakes like these guys, the biggest game I ever played was like a thousand dollar buy in. Most of the time I was buying in for a couple hundred and then I'd make a hundred and I would leave.

And at that time you could live on a thousand dollars a month, so I end up I find this perfect space after searching and it's in this garage. It's 400 a month, but I actually don't have 400 to do this and I don't have any money to paint it or buy props or anything like that.

And but I say, I read this Richard Branson book. I'm a huge fan like a version that book, like a virgin. And he says, when someone gives you an opportunity, take it and figure out how to do it later. And so I just was like, I'm going to take this [00:18:00] opportunity and I'm just going to go ahead and go with it.

Even though I don't have any money at all, it's fine. So I did two things. There were the major one was luck and one was strategic. I told everyone that came to my class at 24 hour fitness at the gym, Hey, I'm opening a yoga studio. I'm going to do a 90 for 90 day special. You can come in and you can take as much yoga as you want.

For the next 90 days, and it's only 90 after that, if you want to do a membership, whatever, I would love to have you, you can buy it now before I even open my studio, it's only going to be available until the day I open that I'm switching to 30 for 40. If you want to get it and I sold a bunch of those, so it gave me some seed money.

Yeah. And then the other thing that is just luck is I went down to the wind casino. You can see it out my window and I go down there and I'm just sitting there. So it's a regular Tuesday night and I'm playing this game of poker. [00:19:00] And I got my 200 I started with and I'd made some money. So I think it was up to 600 in my stack, which was a lot of money.

And I was getting ready to leave. And it's always when you're getting ready to leave, so I get suited. I get the suited connectors, right? Which is where there's two in a row and they're the same suit.

Okay. And The flop comes out and it comes out. I have a straight and I'm like, Oh, I have the nuts. Like I look at all these, it's the nuts means you have the very best hand, right? I forget. I'm not talking about the best mathematically possible hand. So I look at the board. There's no one could have a full house yet.

No one could have a flush. There's no quads. It's the boards, not double. There's no way that anybody could beat me right now. I have the very best hand. So I raise. And the person after me re raises, and the person re raises, and the person re raises all in. And I'm like, oh, shoot. By the time it gets back to me, my choice is all in or out.[00:20:00] 

Yeah. And I'm like, but there's statistically no way that right now. Anybody could be beating me. There are two more cards to come. So for sure, the board, the flush could come in, the board could pair, and then I know somebody's got to have a set, like three cards, that would be if the set came in with a paired board, that would be a full house and someone would win.

So I know, but the statistical chance is low. It's a higher chance that's going to run out and I'm going to win. It's a 24 percent chance that I'm going to lose that hand. So 76%, I'm winning it. So I have to, as a good poker player with the math in mind, put all my 600 in there. This is represents my entire bills for the month.

My rent was three 45 at that time. I'm like, Oh my God. So I put it all in there. It was like a nine or 10 handed table. The turn comes out. I'm still ahead. The river comes out. I win the pot. I win a 5, 000 pot. [00:21:00] I use that money to open the studio to buy all my props, to paint the studio, to pay the muralist, to get it all done.

And I pay for my mind, body online. And it's, that's how I started. I like bless the Las Vegas. So it's one of those things where have you read that book, The Alchemist by Paul Coelho. He says in there, when you make an intention, when you set your intention, the universe conspires to make it happen.

And that's what happened to me. I said, I want to open this yoga studio in Las Vegas called Sin City Yoga and the universe conspired through poker money to give it to me. 

Michael Jay: I launch yoga studios and there are some experiences which is similar to mine and similar to yours where everything does line up and everything is so easy.

There are no blocks in the way and everything is meant to be as it's meant to be. And so those [00:22:00] studios always launch with such ease 

Yogalebrity Angelica: and success. Yeah. So to get back to your original question, the reason why I opened that studio was because I had nothing left to lose. And I think that's what the online while I was older, when I started doing my online business, and also I was not poor.

I was not struggling. I was not going through a bankruptcy. I had money at this point in my life. But I had nothing to lose as far as I didn't own my studio anymore, which was a big thing that I was afraid of, that I would get some kind of backlash and divisive hate. And that they would put, like people like to put bad Yelp reviews on people's studio if they don't like them.

online. And I was, when you own a physical space, you're constantly in fear of a bad review, and which is just ridiculous. It's just unless you absolutely hate someone, never give a physical business less than a five star because it's an algorithm thing. The five stars is [00:23:00] where the computer.

Decides via algorithm where they are going to place that business in front of other people. So if you give somebody a four star, because you emotionally feel like you never give five stars, you're actually screwing them over, please never do that. Always give five stars unless it's Walmart or Taco bell, whatever, do whatever you want.

Those are big businesses. They're going to make it anyway, but yeah. The, if you're talking about a small business, it's just so important to support them. So that was like a big fear for me. And I think that is a legitimate fear, and for somebody like me, I'm pretty divisive.

Like you saw me in person, like I immediately, those people were like, how do we sell our product? And I was like sell me your product, and they were like we, it's, I'm like, you don't know anything about your product! 

Michael Jay: Literally, you came from the school of selling yourself on this podcast.

That's what it takes, right? To name drop and, but still in a, That authentic way. So can you, from that [00:24:00] experience and you overcoming that, can you give advice for people that are trying to stand in their authentic self and how we live in this world of comparison?

And one of the things that stood out for me, what you said was you said something about give your all. Give it all don't hold back because you're just giving, I think you said something like they're giving bite, you're giving bite sized bits of information, but they will pay for it as a whole.

And then you're definitely in an online business. But I think that still is the same in a. Studio, brick and mortar place too. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: Yeah. Yeah. People think if I put my classes online, then no one will come to my classes in person. That's actually not true. It's not true from a business standpoint, statistical standpoint, and honestly, it's not true from a human standpoint.

I just had somebody in my class on Saturday, and she's I could go to an online class, but I love. [00:25:00] the feel of being with a person and have a teacher adjust me and I learned so much in your class today. So if you're providing high quality classes, then I don't think there's anything wrong with also, live streaming some of those to promote the business, it's not the same experience online that it is in person.

And you can tell in the practice of the people when they come in if someone has only done online, their alignment is absolutely atrocious, I immediately can tell, they, they dump into their low back to get into their ekapod like they're, they're, did they have all the, they look cute, but really, they look awful to the trained eye.

Yeah. The in person experience is really important. If when I create content I can't, sometimes I get a lot of flack for this where they'll be like, Oh, you didn't talk about this and you didn't do this. I'm like, it is 30 to 60 seconds. I am creating a 30 to 60 second video for you.

That's heavily edited. I can't tell you everything about Atomukha [00:26:00] Svanasana, Downward Facing Dog, in 30 seconds. I just can't. Iyengar might spend 45 minutes on it in his class. I can't. But here's the thing about being online, is that if you truly don't want to do it, Don't do it.

You don't have to do it. Because if you don't want to do it, 

Michael Jay: you'll 

Yogalebrity Angelica: suck at it, right? And there are people that have thriving businesses that ignore online. There was a woman that owned an Iyengar studio down on Sahara for years and years. She didn't even have an email address. And she stayed open for a long time and she had tons of people.

A lot of us teachers would go there because it was so calm and chill and peaceful. And it was like real yoga. So there is still space to not be in the digital age. There is still space to do that. So if you really don't want to be online, don't be, you don't know that you have one life do with it, what you want with it, enjoy it.

I've had a number of really close people to me, pass away. My mom has passed away. My uncle passed away. He was like a brother to me. We [00:27:00] grew up. He recently just passed away from colon cancer at 55. I'm 50 years old, like I'm not looking at life, like. How is, what, Oh my God, what are they going to think about me?

I'm looking at life as what do I truly want to do? But if you really want to be online and you know that deep in your heart and you're holding yourself back because of the way that you look, then I would say, what kind of yoga are you practicing? Because I don't remember from the yoga sutras potentially saying that these labels we put on ourselves of fat, skinny, tall, short, black, white.

Moroccan, Egyptian, American, whatever, that these are labels and they're meant to divide us, that's not our Prusa. That's not our true self. And so maybe it's a practice in yoga for you to get over yourself, and also it's selfish. If you have information that could help the world [00:28:00] and you're holding it back because you're worried about your weight.

That's self centered the highest level like this is not this isn't this The package that we wear, that's not our soul, I have I have, I have people sometimes who try to tell me things and, this, and sometimes I'm wrong. Sometimes I'm wrong. Sometimes I have, I said Kapotanasana for years.

It's Kapotasana. The people of Instagram, let me know. Thank you. It's Janu, not Janu. Sorry. I live in a place where Spanish is very predominant. I'm sorry that I messed that up, people of Instagram. But there are a lot of things that I do know that I am right about that sometimes people will be upset. And I noticed that there's people in the younger generation who will be upset because they think that they should have the level of followers or are the online presence that I do.

And, It's just work. It's not it's not magic. [00:29:00] It's just consistency. Consistency, 

Michael Jay: right? It's complete consistency and authenticity and just keep showing up. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: You have, how many people? I love that. You can't, they're not looking at you as much as you are looking at you.

They are looking at a thousand different influencers. That's it. Yeah. 

Michael Jay: So I, when I'm talking to my studio owners that are having, the anxiety about putting themselves out there, I literally show them my finger and I said, you last this long. with my finger. Like literally that moment that you put yourself out there, they've watched you and they flicked up and they've moved on.

And right now we used to be, I used to say to everybody, I'm a marketing background. So I used to say, show up on two platforms, one or two platforms and do it well. If you can't do it well, don't do it right. I don't agree with that now, though. I feel like you're, you are, we [00:30:00] are our own TV station. And we have to be everywhere all the time.

And I would say, and there are 

Yogalebrity Angelica: tools for that. Show up on one or two platforms. And consistency, like consistently, it doesn't matter if you do it well, like you might not have the skill set. I let that hold me back at first because I really didn't know how to do videos. And my boyfriend at the time was making like, six figures a year on YouTube, making kids videos.

And now he's we're not together anymore, but he was Canadian. It was tragic. He was very good looking. I'm sad. I'm sad. But the guy that I'm with now, we've been together for 10 years, he's very nice. Sorry, Paul, but this guy was hot. Okay. So anyhow, he he was like the best looking guy I've ever dated.

Now he's a famous gamer on Twitch, but but I would be like, I would ask him, I would be like, Hey, how do you do this? And how do you how do you do these YouTube videos? And he'd just be like, you just put them up. And I just like. IMovie is so easy Apple has been making this [00:31:00] easy for us for years, but I never even thought to go on YouTube and be like, how do you use iMovie?

Like it's that simple. It's really that simple. It is. Yeah. And now it's even, there's Slice, there's CapCut, there's all these different apps on your phone that make it really very simple. I use CapCut myself. I even use CapCut on my desktop as well. Even though I have a Mac, I use CapCut.

Yep. Yep. Yep. But the tech got in the way first, just learn that if you, there's stupider people than you that know, learn it or hire 

Michael Jay: someone, 

Yogalebrity Angelica: I'm not a big fan of hiring people in the beginning because I'm just on the yoga 

Michael Jay: studio front though. Sometimes, the owner is doing it all and sometimes can't do it all right.

So definitely for the solopreneur, absolutely like you have to do it all, but sometimes the studio owner. Can't always be the one, so sometimes it's someone on staff, right? Yeah. But I still, even that situation, I want everybody involved in the team. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: Yeah. I like to know how to do the things, even [00:32:00] if I hire it out.

I think it's important that you know how to do it. And Anyhow so I let, I let that get in the way for a long time, the tech stuff. And, that can be learned by, there's so much how to on YouTube that can just literally be learned in an afternoon. You, iMovie is so simple. It is.

And, but then, it was the whole body image thing. And I just, I really regret it. Like I, and I know you just got to do, once you know better, you got to do better. But I really regret letting it, letting that get in my way for so many years. And it's, it's the same with the yoga studio.

I wanted to open a yoga studio for a really long time. And I was like, I'm afraid to leave corporate. I'm afraid I'll lose everything. And I ended up losing everything anyway. And gaining everything, I lost everything to gain everything. You're like right after my bankruptcy, my credit score was higher than it'd ever been in my whole life.

I didn't owe anything to anybody. Like it was a blessing, but I didn't know that. And 

Michael Jay: don't you think that gives you the hustle, but, if the difference between if I'm opening a yoga studio, the difference between [00:33:00] somebody that is scrappy pain, everything by themselves or getting SBO SBA loans is very different to somebody that's self funded and owns the building and has no stress around where the people come or not or by or not.

So it can be a very different thing. So I think sometimes. That hustle gives you that kind of, if you're a Sagittarian like me, you're scrappy. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: I know that's how we are. I do think that there is, I don't want to discount the power of personality, like I am a big personality.

I am. You embrace it though. Yeah, and I, you have to have that character, you have to have that one person that kind of is the show for your business for your online, in particular, in my business, I really took a lot of a backseat. I didn't want to be the number one show. I didn't want, when people saw Sin City Yoga, I didn't want them to see Angelica as the main thing.

Yeah, 100%. Because that was It can't be all about you. com, [00:34:00] right? I have seen businesses that are run like that where it's so and so's yoga studio, but even Keno calls it Miami Life Center, not Kena McGregor's Miami Life Center, but we all know Kena owns it. But but on her socials.

And on my socials, I'm the star and I have a bigger than life personality and I really just let that come out because you know what I learned honestly from Grant Cardone, like really early on, he said, just post it. Nobody's looking at you. You're not going to go viral in your first video. And if you do, oh my God, yes, you are so fricking lucky.

I hope that happens to you. It's going to be tough, especially if it's on TikTok, because there's going to be some comments that you're not going to want to see, but emotionally, you're going to be like this, here's the thing I was in this, I always hire somebody to help me.

Because you'll get there faster. There's a lot of people that want to cheap out on coaching or don't want to pay for somebody to help them learn how to put the videos together, learn [00:35:00] how to make it, they're still struggling. And then I get these messages all the time. . You can sign up for one of my programs. If you don't want to do, if you want to do it all, I, my 300 hour teaches you it's online or offline, whatever, and you get to choose what you want to do. It's pretty incredible.

Program drop. Program drop. It's the best 300 hour program I teach privately, one on one. There are limited spots. Act now. Notice the genius 

Michael Jay: there, folks. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: Anyhow, it is a good program. I do stand behind it. But all I'm saying is that you have a lot of choices, but people in the DMs, you Not all the people, like I had somebody just sign up right before this call.

It was really exciting and incredible. She's going to do great. It's going to help her tremendously. But there are people that will message me and they say I don't have the money. They don't even know how much it costs. Cause I don't drop the price until I meet with them because I, and I do this for very specific reason.

People get angry with me about it. If you have a poverty mentality, You are going to look at everything and want to know [00:36:00] immediately how much it costs. How much is that? How much does it cost? And in your brain, you're thinking, can I buy that? That is not. The kind of mentality that you need to be abundant.

You will never make money. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be cruel, but it is how it is. You will never make money. 

You never build any business. You never make any money. Whereas you work with somebody like me, or someone like you are one of our cohorts, somebody that actually that you resonate with and is doing what you want to do, taking advice. Someone that's been in 

Michael Jay: your, someone's been in the shoes that you want to be in, 

Yogalebrity Angelica: right?

People you want to be like, yeah, you spend extra money. Let's say, you, you pay for it. Let's say it's 5, 000. Okay. That's not how much my program costs, but I'm just throwing it out as an example. Let's say it's 5, 000. It's been the 5, 000, but instead of making 0 from your 300 investment, because you invested this 5, 000, which is a meaningful amount of money.

Also, now you're making a hundred thousand dollars a year. Now you're monetized on YouTube now, five years from now. You've hit the 500, 000 mark. Now [00:37:00] you're living your dream. You're actually teaching on a beach in Bali, what do you want? What is the result that you want when you run Facebook ads or you run Instagram ads?

If it's hitting, if it's making money, you put more money into it because it doesn't matter how much the ad costs. If the ad is making you more money than what it costs to run it, you keep running more ads. It's the ROI. And if you don't think of money in that terms. You'll never be successful and you'll always be struggling with 

Michael Jay: money.

I, when I had my yoga studio, I talked about this often on my podcast, but I hired two coaches during that period. One saved my business by overnight, I changed my pricing and saved my studio. And then the other one gave me the feeling that I had something of worth to sell, which most yoga studios.

Owners don't, right? And so those two things for me, changed everything for me. And even now [00:38:00] in my consulting business, I have the most fantastic business coach that I'm so excited. I'm jazzed every time I turn up, I come away with homework to the to blast through my own roadblocks. Somebody, they're helping me see something that's possible outside, outside of my scope.

Yogalebrity Angelica: Because they've been there. So they already know. And it's somebody And it's the people that Yeah. Nobody wants to do the beginning of the course where you talk about mindset. Everybody wants to skip that and go into the beef of the course, the avocado. I'm sorry. I'm a vegan. The avocado of the course.

Get into that. Everybody Nobody wants to deal with the pit. And The mindset is literally the most important part. It doesn't matter if you learn all these other skills, if you don't, if you are not your number one cheerleader every day when you wake up a hundred percent, you will fail. You have to have your back.

You cannot talk shit about yourself. Yeah, 

Michael Jay: and I say to studio [00:39:00] owners, nobody's going to yell and scream about your studio. As loud as you are. So go yell and scream. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: I have people when I ran studios and I would have people I had one person who took my in person 300 and she was like I said, How's your studio going?

Because it was like, a ways away. And she's people just stopped coming. And I just, I had to close it because people just stopped coming. And I was like, of course people are going to stop coming. That's part of, it's a circle, it's a cyclical thing. Did you promote?


Michael Jay: called churn. It's called churn. People come, people go. You 

Yogalebrity Angelica: have to constantly be bringing new 

Michael Jay: people in. I called it feeding the beast when I had the studio. When I opened, I thought, I'm a marketing person. I opened with a bang, full studio. And I'm like, I thought, I got it. I got my group. I got my tribe.

This is it. I'm set. And then it's Oh no, people leave. Oh, this is churn. Oh, I can keep feeding. I have to keep selling. That can never 

Yogalebrity Angelica: stop. That can never [00:40:00] stop. I would do now though, now that I have now I'm a powerhouse of online and in person and I know all these things, this is exactly what I would do.

I'm sharing this with everyone. This is exactly what I would do. I would actually sign up for ClickFunnels. And I would do an ad for my intro offer, and then the upsell in the sales funnel would be membership. And it would say one time offer, say your membership's 99 a month, and I would offer it for something ridiculously low, like 69 or 59 and be like, you will never see this offer again.

Yeah. You will never know. It is not offered in the store. This is your only time. Now you can cancel any time, but if you sign up for membership now, it will start at the end of your 30 day intro offer. And that is how I would run all my ads.

Michael Jay: I do that. I open studios with a huge pre sale strategy. And the [00:41:00] last few couple of years, we've been opening with all costs covered. Some studios open with 220 pre sold memberships prior to opening. Yeah. So it's those, but I hear about the click funnels thing too, because a lot of sales strategies go to the website, but what I'm hearing you say there, it should go to a dedicated sales page, right?

For the ads. Yeah, 

Yogalebrity Angelica: for the ads. Yeah. Yeah. If you're, or whatever your intro offer is. If your next step, if you sell your intro offer, you're not selling it through MindBodyOnline, but you're selling it through like ClickFunnels.

There's two things that can happen. One, it won't be automated if they don't pay. So you're going to have to change that in your system. You're going to have to add that. Some of the new 

Michael Jay: softwares though have lead gen forms built into the software now, the booking platforms as well. And 

Yogalebrity Angelica: also everybody wants to get away from MindBodyOnline.

This is a way for you to have more control over that because now they're being charged through your Stripe [00:42:00] account instead of being charged through MindBody Online and you can manage that differently. There's a lot of platforms now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because it's mind body online, whatever.

We're not even talking about that. It's not, we don't have time. We don't have time for that. That is a waste of time. I've got past 

Michael Jay: pro I've got past podcasts on 

Yogalebrity Angelica: that. Yeah, but that's, I would do sales funnels. And I would just drive that. I was a very sales focused person when I ran the studio, because sales is everything.

And people will say Oh, you don't do sales, don't do sales, don't be salesy. That why do you not want to help people? Good sales is just good customer service. If you have an offer that is so incredible, I've seen my studio change people's lives. Why would I not want to sell them on that? Why would I not want people to come into my 300 hour online program?

I work with them privately one on one. My people are crushing it. I have a student, her name is Nene's yoga. Please go and follow [00:43:00] her. She teaches American sign language. Yoga on YouTube. She just got monetized after taking my 300 hours. She is crushing it. That is so in need. Imagine if Nene was like, And I can't show myself on screen and I'm, I'm not perfect, whatever.

All those deaf people out there would not be able to do yoga. She is the only one that has a consistent American sign language yoga channel. She's the only one. Yeah. And she's crushing it. She's doing amazing. And she's changing lives. If you have something that's amazing, and maybe, it's not that, that's an example.

But I feel like I have something. Everybody has 

Michael Jay: their, I always say when anybody tripled down on your superpowers, let go of the stuff you don't enjoy and triple down on. Your superpowers. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I totally agree. And just, if you [00:44:00] don't know what you're good at, then ask some friends, what are 10 words that you would use to describe me or five words that you would use to describe me?

What do you think is my biggest strength? What have you learned the most from me? And it'll be interesting what people say back. And then you can start to realize okay. I might be good at this, or I might, this might be what I'm good at. And, honestly, I think if you sit with yourself in meditation long enough, you can figure out what you're good at.

Yeah. The answers are within you. And, you're just like, you're just like being your hater. You're being your own hater. Sometimes, 

Michael Jay: yesterday I was with a beautiful client of mine and, she was debating on a class and a teacher and what have you, and I literally was like, it was the mirror moment.

I'm like, these are your words. These are what the, do you listen to your words? Do you think that this is the right teacher in the right class? And she's yeah, no. And I listen, like trust, you got to trust that. Angelica, if some budding yoga [00:45:00] businesses, yoga studio owners, you are Instagram, online, YouTube, TikTok and all, give me, give them a few things right now that they could do that could change things a little bit.

Consistency is one. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: Consistency is number one. Number one. I have done thousands of videos over the last three years and that's why I'm good at doing video. Because I, I do it every day. I do a lot of it. And the way I'm consistent is I schedule it out. So after I teach my class on Saturdays, the studio is not in use and I just stay there and we film and sometimes one of my students will stay behind.

And I film all my content for the whole week. And I try to get a week ahead, so that I have in case something were to happen, I would still have content, but I have batch content. I don't try to do that every day. That's why you see me wearing the same outfit. 

Michael Jay: Yeah. But I'd also love that you change up the, you are in some of your videos, you're allowed personality selling, what [00:46:00] have you, but then I see you in your teaching mode and your adjustment.

Teaching and what, and you drop into low voice, Angelica, like you utilize all the different sides of you, right? Not just not just sell. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: And what? And I talk really fast because I'm trying to get it all in, in 30 seconds. I'm like, 30 seconds, your magic number? It's 30 because they're talking long content now, right?

Under 60 seconds. Yes. The thing is You can, they say that they say a lot of things, they say a lot of things. I think get do whatever you want. Cause I've seen people be successful in all the different realms. So if you want to do 30 seconds, you want to do 60 seconds. You want to do 60 minutes, be the best at whatever you want to be. And honestly, don't try to do something that you're not interested in because then you're not going to be interested in it. But you can win at any level. It doesn't matter what time of day you post. It doesn't matter. [00:47:00] Consistency matters more than anything. I don't even use hashtags.

When I stopped using hashtags, I had videos go viral for the first time. Because I was, Using hashtags and limiting that video from where it could go out to the people who needed it. So now I just let the algorithm stupid smart. It knows how long people spend watching your videos. It knows when they stop.

It knows when they scroll back and scroll back up. They know it can, it looks at your eyes. And it notices what part of the video you are looking at and where you are paying attention to on the screen. It is very intelligent. I don't think you need hashtags. I think that your audience will find you.

That's just been my experience. That's right now. It hasn't always been that way. That is how I think the algorithm does work. Now. It's the same when I do ads, I don't put a specific thing. I might just be like yoga, send it to everybody yoga, and then let the algorithm figure it out. That's not to say that I don't do targeted ads.

I do. [00:48:00] But all I'm saying is the algorithms are smart, so it's going to put you with your tribe and it just depends on, I think right now, TikTok is in a weird space. TikTok used to be great for me. I used to get most of my leads from there, but now it's if you don't have TikTok shop, they're not showing you the quality of the videos are really degraded and, I just, I don't enjoy TikTok the way I used to, and I used to be a big fan of it, but it used to be my number one platform, and now I'd say Instagram is. Yeah, 

Michael Jay: well, and it's, I think, we have to be where our audience is too, right? And so I think our world is mostly, I think, Instagram, TikTok, I think.

Yogalebrity Angelica: Yeah, I YouTube too. Yeah. I, 

Michael Jay: I feel YouTube's harder to break into. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: What? It is. It is. It's a lot more work. It's a long, it's a long game. YouTube's a long game, right? Like my Instagram videos, no one's going to watch them in three weeks. TikTok people will be watching, or I'm sorry YouTube people will be watching in 10 years.

Yes. Yes. So it's a long game. It's a long game. It's a different thing. It takes a lot more [00:49:00] work. My, I am surrounded now by all my friends that I spend all my time with are also social media influencers. I, that's you surround yourself with the people that you want to be like, yeah.

And I call it my friend, raw food romance. We talk to each other all day long and we call each other coworkers, cause we're like, 

Michael Jay: yeah, I've got loads in my consulting world 

Yogalebrity Angelica: for sure. And we're giving each other best practices. I had something unpleasant happen yesterday online and yeah. And we talked about it, talked through it, and so it's nice to have a cohort.

But the the thing is that. You just have to be consistent in whatever it is that you're doing. And my friend, what this was, I'm going to say the friends that I have that have YouTube channels that are big, it took them longer to get there, but they make a lot more money than me. Yeah. Yeah. It's a 10 year game.

YouTube. Angelica, 

Michael Jay: I'm going to wrap this up with a couple of questions. No. I could talk all day. It's fine. I got some editing to do. It's fine. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: I tried to talk so you wouldn't have to edit, because I'm very aware of [00:50:00] that. The less you have to edit, the easier it is for you. 

Michael Jay: Tell me right now, what's your favorite go to personal website or app?

Or so a place that you personally go to a lot or an app you go to a lot, what do you use? 

Yogalebrity Angelica: I use CapCut more than any other. It's number 

Michael Jay: one. Okay, so that's because personal and business are the same for you. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: Oh, sorry, I didn't know there was a distinction. 

Michael Jay: You did. You did set that at the 

Yogalebrity Angelica: beginning.

You know what? You know what? Actually, no, I'm just, I'm being funny, but but I actually personally, one that I really like is Endel. Do you ever use Endel? No. It's, so it makes these AI sounds that's like music and it's helps to get your brain into a flow state so that you can work continuously without interruption.

Yeah. So I put this on, it's E N D E L. Okay. And yeah, [00:51:00] it's really cool. And I'll send you the link for it. Exactly where it is. And I just, when you sign up, it's going to offer you a lifetime subscription for 150 bucks or something. It's worth it. Just pay for it in the beginning.

You'll never see that offer again. It's definitely worth it. Then that's not even, I'm not even selling my own thing. I'm just telling you that it's I don't get any kickback. But I, it, I work in 30 second intervals. And so I set it to do the homework setting because I like that sound the best instead of the work setting.

And it just plays the sound that trains your brain to be focused. Okay. That 

Michael Jay: would work. That would work for me actually. Very ADHD. It's really 

Yogalebrity Angelica: cool. It's really, I really like it. I think ADHD is a benefit personally. Me too. 

Michael Jay: Superpower. It is a 

Yogalebrity Angelica: superpower. I don't know why people say that's bad. I'm into it.

I'm here for it. Like that's, I just embrace everything everybody says is bad. You're too loud. All right, whatever. I love it about myself. 

Michael Jay: So I'm, so you're, I'm guessing your work on [00:52:00] would be CapCut. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: Yeah. I don't do any social media. And you do the paid 

Michael Jay: version of 

Yogalebrity Angelica: CapCut? I did not when I was just using it on my phone, but now that I use it on my computer, I did get the paid version. It was 54 for the year. They had a sale. Because I like it better than iMovie for editing on my computer. If you sign in on your computer and your phone with the same username and password, you get the paid version on both and you only pay once.

Yeah. So that's nice. The paid version on the phone app, I did not see any real benefit in having that, but on the computer, you can't export the videos unless you have the paid version. So I did get the paid version just because I use it on my computer, but I don't think that you need it if you're just editing on your phone.

I don't think you need to pay for anything. Great 

Michael Jay: templates too. I know sometimes where I'm sitting there, I've got, Oh, I've got nothing. I don't feel like going on camera. I've got nothing. I'll sometimes just go on there. And within five minutes, I've got like a whole little video for my podcast and I throw something up and 

Yogalebrity Angelica: it's okay, that's nice.

I never do that. [00:53:00] I never do that. But yeah, that's nice. I like that. I'll look at that. Yeah. 

Michael Jay: Anyway, how did, where do people find you? And what do you, I see you've got retreats. What's going on? What do you, 

Yogalebrity Angelica: as of the filming of this podcast, I have two, only two spots left in my retreat in Sedona. And that is in a house that I rented.

So it's like very intimate. It's just going to be us hired raw food romance to make all the food. It's going to be incredible. There's a pool. It's underneath a vortex. It's Really amazing. But my main things that I do is my online teacher trainings. I have a 200 hour and a 300 hour. I do private session in both of those.

And my 200, I have a partner that helps me. She's not a partner. She works for me, but she's amazing. She's all my videos, Francesca. You see her. She's in the videos. She does a lot of my stuff. She's a really cool. She helps me with the 200, the 300 I primarily do by myself. And so it's private one on one coaching for the 300 hour and the 200 hours.

So each week you meet with us individually and there is [00:54:00] the online. Per like videos that you watch, you can watch over and over as many times as you need to. I do my 300 a little bit different than most people. I do have like electives that you can choose. There's 15 different electives. You choose six of them.

So if your focus wants to be like yin yoga, restorative yoga, and you also want to learn how to build a webpage and you also want to learn how to do an online course and you want to learn harmonium. You could choose those, but if your focus was saying you wanted to learn how to do a strong gun, acro yoga, and you also wanted to learn how to do tick tock, like you could choose whatever I have 14 different choices.

It's really cool. It's nobody's doing it like that. It's really amazing. 

I would say the majority of my people want to do something online, but yeah. But I do, you get that resistance from people. I don't want to be on the camera and people freak out, just do it. Where 

Michael Jay: are they finding? Where do they find you? Where do they find all this? OK yoga, celebrity 

Yogalebrity Angelica: for yoga, celebrity.

It's like a celebrity, only a yoga celebrity. And if you DM me, I'm happy to talk to you. I DM all day. [00:55:00] Talk to people. But my website is www dot yoga teacher training dot yoga. 

Michael Jay: Perfect. Angelica. Thank you so much. I thank you for sharing everything and yourself and I'm glad that our paths crossed at the yoga expo and I was like, I like straightforward people.

I got to talk to her. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: I know. They told me they were like could you stop talking so that the other people could talk? It's just that they're not saying very 

Michael Jay: interesting things. And somehow I'm drawn to that type of person. 

Yogalebrity Angelica: Thank you so much. All right. Thank you. I appreciate you having me on the podcast.

It means a lot. I I'm really glad that I could come on. Thank you so much. Thank you.